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HomePartnersVisiting Tour GroupsSeeach Sod's outreach program

Seeach Sod's outreach program

For a number of years, Seeach Sod has invited students of yeshivot and seminaries, as well as visitors from other groups, to learn about our mission by visiting our main building, hearing about our programs, and interacting with the individuals we serve. Due to the coronavirus pandemic and the necessary health precautions, these visits are not possible this year, but we have decided to bring the Seeach Sod experience directly to the students in the yeshivot and seminaries, either by Zoom or with a personal appearance by a representative from Seeach Sod. After an informative video, the climax is an interactive program in which the students prepare a card and treats for Seeach Sod students.


Thank you to Yeshivat Mevaseret Tzion and to Bnos Yehudis, Michlalah, Sharfman’s, Machon Rayah, Ki Tov Sachra, Mesoras Rochel, and Machon Shoshant Yerushalim seminaries for participating in this program.