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The Founder

Rabbi Dov Levy z”l – Founder of Seeach Sod

“The Father of Religious Special Education”



“I believe that a child should be educated in an environment that’s in sync

with the home in which he has been raised.” (Rabbi Dov Levy z”l)



Rabbi Dov Levy z”l established Seeach Sod in 1971, shortly after the birth of his oldest son who was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Rabbi Levy epitomized our Sages’ maxim: “In the place where there is no man, strive to be a man.” With no background knowledge, no funding and no accommodations, he fought the odds and founded the Seeach Sod Association as a solution to the lack of special ed. frameworks in the religious community.  


Rabbi Levy campaigned intensively to prove to the government the dire need for special education services geared for the religious community. Once, he went on tour of a state-run special ed. kindergarten together with the educational supervisor. There were several boys from religious families in that kindergarten. “I want those children to be able to recite a brachah and krias shema,” Rabbi Levy said, pointing to the religious children. It was this sentence that earned Seeach Sod its very first building and it was this sentence that served as Rabbi Levy’s uppermost goal throughout his life. His wish was a simple one: special children should be able to recite a blessing, but his modest request yielded sevenfold. Today, his students learn Gemara and conduct themselves as true bnei Torah in every aspect. “You have achieved what no one believed was possible,” wrote a senior municipality worker in the 1980’s, when the institutions became more established and earned wider recognition.


Rabbi Dov Levy was known as an exceptionally noble personality, both on a personal level as well as in the public arena. He said little and did a lot. He conveyed his values and ideals to his staff more through personal example than by the spoken word. He was a man of vision and a man of action. His entire essence radiated a fiery desire to help Jewish children with special needs. With his characteristic modesty, he succeeded in effecting a revolution with far-reaching repercussions. He serves as a paradigm for persevering through challenges and overcoming obstacles, for forging new paths and breaking myths, for remaining steadfast in one’s beliefs and staying focused on goals.


And above all, perhaps, he is remembered for the exceptional understanding he displayed towards parents and family members and the wise way in which he guided them to make the best choices for their special-needs children.


Rabbi Dov Levy z”l passed away, with tragic suddenness, on 13 Adar, 5767 (2007).


He left behind a vast network of special ed. institutions. Starting out with a small kindergarten class with a leaky roof, he built up an empire of special ed. services for the religious community.


May his memory be blessed.

