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Rabbanim and Gedolei Yisrael

Rabbi Aryeh Ginzberg, Chofetz Chaim Torah Center

"When King Saul says that the proper way to do educate is "LECHANEICH NAAR AAL PI DARCHO", he could have pointed to Seeach Sod as the perfect example of how to do so. Years ago, a child born with severe  development issues & challenges were left to live their lives as unproductive & unable to accomplish anything significant. Then comes along this organization, that  is extremely  difficult to find the words  to describe the wonderful accomplishments that they achieve with these type of children, except to say that they fulfill   the directive of Shlomo Hamelech & find the perfect formula to reach & teach each & every child in Klal Yisroel. It truly can be said about Seeach Sod, that NO CHILD IS LEFT BEHIND."


Rabbi Dovid Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel

“Sometimes dreams do come true. When Rabbi Dov Levy z”l dreamed of this place, he dreamed of a warm and safe home where no efforts will be spared to give these Malachim and their families maximal possibilities. His children are continuing to actualize his dreams.”


(Chanukas Habayis of Nofshon Wing, 2013) 


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Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, Rav of the Kosel and Holy Sites

“I take this opportunity to give my blessings to all the children of Seeach Sod, whom I sometimes have the privilege of meeting, from time to time, at the Kosel. May Hashem guard their goings and comings now and forever and we may merit seeing them in complete health. May Hashem help and grant success to this institution under the leadership of Rabbi Levy, so that he can continue lighting up their lives and the lives of their families. “


(Simchas Bais Hashoayva, 2013) 


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Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, Rosh Yeshivas Maalot HaTorah

“We are believers the children of believers and we have no understanding [of the world]. Hashem loves us more than we love ourselves. We need to strengthen our faith that all his ways are kindness. May Hashem help these children be healthy and well and the parents should have much nachas.”


(Simchas Bais Hashoayva, 2013)


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The Zheviller Rebbe shlita

“This institution brings joy to those who are different…The work done here by the director and the entire staff is sacred work, which arouses great pride up in Heaven.” 


 (Simchas Bais Hashoayva, 2013)


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Rabbi Yitzchok Ezrachi, Rosh Yeshivas Mir

“I want to say to all the dear parents and also to the beloved students of Seeach Sod: anyone who belongs to this place, Seeach Sod, has a lofty neshamah. And Hashem chose a family for him that will help him grow, succeed and rejoice.

“What do we rejoice with? With the Arba Minim. I feel that now we are fulfilling the mitzvah of ‘and you shall rejoice before Hashem.’ And who are the 4 Minim? The students of Seeach Sod.”


(Simchas Bais Hashoayva, 2013) 


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Rabbi Reuven Elbaz, Rosh Yeshivat Ohr Hachaim

“When I see the wonderful institution of Seeach Sod, I view them as employees of Hashem. How do you manage to raise them up? How did you merit this great zechut? You can truly rejoice with genuine simchas HaTorah.”


(Simchas Bais Hashoayva, 2013) 


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Rabbi Baruch Ezrachi, Rosh Yeshivat Ateret Yisrael

“I want to say to the heads of this place, to the parents of the students and to the students themselves one sentence: Know, dear students, that without a doubt, you have special power in Heaven.

“There is no doubt that Hashem values your tefillos. We ask of you to pray for Klal Yisrael, for our Torah, for all of us.”


(Simchas Bais Hashoayva, 2013) 


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Rabbi Yitzchok Yosef, Chief Sephardic Rabbi

“I came here out of deep admiration for this place. For several years, we are following the work of this institution and we are amazed. The directors are continuing in the ways of their father and keep developing this place.

“I want to wish all families here a joyous Chag. May you always be joyous in serving Hashem amidst good health and prosperity. The directors who give their souls for their students – may Hashem fulfill all their wishes and bestow them with abundant blessings.”


(Simchas Bais Hashoayva, 2013) 


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The Vizhnitzer Rebbe zt”l

“From these special students you can learn not to give up hope. Despite all their difficulties, they manage to attain great achievements. The efforts invested in the Seeach Sod mosdos are a great merit for Klal Yisrael.”

(Winter 2010)

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