

Main Office: Yirmiyahu 31 Jerusalem Tel: 02-640-5000


Rabbanim and Gedolei Yisrael

Hagaon Harav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz zt”l

Hakadosh Baruch Hu loves your Torah; continue to learn, grow and succeed! The parents and staff can say with pride: ‘Look at what became of these special students’... These bachurim are even greater than malachim.”

(After testing the bachurim in winter, 2010)

Rosh Yeshivas Sladbodka

“I usually don’t receive talmidim in my home. But when I heard that the bachurim in Seeach Sod learn Gemara and are tested on it, I wanted to see this from up close.” (Those close to the Rosh Yeshivah later said that the Rosh Yeshivah was extremely overcome with emotion and amazement at the bachurim’s knowledge and even commented that if he would not have seen it himself he wouldn’t have believed it!)

(Winter 2011)

The Strikover Rebbe shlita

“Your learning (in the yeshivah and kollel) is more beloved and precious to Hakadosh Baruch Hu than the learning of gedolim and tzadikim.”

(Winter 2011)

Hagaon Harav Yisrael Meir Lau shlita

“Harav Dov Levy affected a revolution. It says in Mishlei: 'A smart son brings joy to the father and a foolish son brings grief to his mother'. This means that a smart son goes out together with his father who revels in pride and joy over his son, but a foolish son stays home with his mother. The mother shoulders the burden of caring for a special-needs child. But Harav Dov Levy z”l changed that – and the foolish, or intellectually impaired child, no longer has to be the grief of his mother. He took out the special children from the hiding places where they were hidden forty years ago; he took them out of their homes, where they were hidden away from society and, in certain cases, he even succeeded in turning them into a yismach av – a pride and joy for their father. These special boys in the choir, who performed so touchingly in Knesset and bring tears to our eyes and elicit the admiration and respect of the audience – are truly a pride and joy to their fathers.”  


(Chanukas Habayis of Ashira Vocational Center for Girls, 2011)

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