Mirel Stareshefsky
It was very special.
My uncle is down syndrome and i wish they would have a kollel like that in brooklyn where they live.
Brocha Baila Steinhardt. BJJ
I'm especially impressed with the apartment kids can go to and give a break to their parents, & the kollel
Vivi Levitin
It's amazing how "normal" and productive they feel here!
Just got this!
Dear Rivkah. I am one of the bochurs from Machon Yaakov. I just want to thank you for showing us around today. First of all your story was very touching and I told Rabbi Lynn the koah you have is out of this world. It was truly inspiring to see how much effort and hard work is being done to give these kids a real life. Hodesh Tov! Hashem should bless you and your family with only Simchas and lots of hatzlacha!
Bochur machon Yaakov
All the guys really enjoyed the tour and were truly inspired by your family story. Everyone was impressed by Seeach Sod as an organization and the amount of chesed that the employees and volunteers give. It's a very special place.
Hi Mrs. Bergstein,
Thank you for not giving up on me and being so accommodating. You pulled off an amazing program that my students were so happy to be part of. They bonded so nicely with the kids and left very inspired.
It was a big kidush Hashem as well - seeing the facility and what good care the kids get.
We would love to come again.
The girls asked if you would be able to send me some of the pictures you took of them.
Thank you and tizki lemitzvos
Miriam, Chemdas Seminary, 2014
"Very important things going on here! Thank you!"
Andrea, JWRP Hungry, 2014
"It is great to see disabled people being an institute where they feel useful!"
Alison, JWRP Denver, 2014
"Very inspirational and motivating. Awesome!"
Batsheva, Peninim Seminary, 2014
"Beautiful place where they (the students) can feel like normal kids doing normal things."
Esther, Peninim Seminary, 2014
"Never saw something more amazing in my life!"
Rabbi Alon Dek, Rabbi at Berman High School, Maryland, 2014
"Amazing. I have never seen such programs around our area. I work with students with special needs and this is an amazing place!"
Alanna, JWRP NY, 2014
"Very impressive to see that the children's needs are being met. Dedicated, Warm and Passionate."
Shevi, Canada Tour, 2014
"Incredible! Thank you so much for an amazing tour and giving so much to these incredible people!"
Rochel, LA tour, 2014
"You’ve revamped the lives of these children!"
Eve, Midreshet Rachel, 2014
"Lovely place full of Simcha and Chesed!"
Aliza, Meohr Bais Yakov, 2014
"I want to come visit and help out on my own free time!"
Rachel, Midrashet Rachel, Feb 2015
"Unbelievable work being done…I am beyond impressed"
Estee, BYA Seminary, March 2015
"I'm amazed. What a beautiful organization. I work a lot with special-ed and it is so wonderful to see how here each child is treated with respect and their potential is brought out!"
Kathy, JWRP May 2015
"You are all miracle workers and angels. May Hashem bless you; each of you!"