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HomeNewsSpecial InitiativesRevach Naki Laundromat

Revach Naki Laundromat


The Revach Naki Laundromat, run by members of Seeach Sod's Vocational Training Program, provides quality laundering and pressing services to public establishments. The piles of clean, neatly folded tablecloths, towels and linen testify to the boys' diligence and competence! We use the best machines in the country!

The Laundromat was established in 2011 as an industrial unit on the Ma'as premises and allows individuals who aren't capable of working in the free market to engage in productive, satisfying work which boosts their functional skills as well as their self-image.

The work in the Laundromat is divided into four basic fields: operating industrial washing machines, pressing and folding laundry, administrative work, and delivery service. The workers are supervised by experienced counselors.



The Laundromat offers its services to public establishments and institutions – high quality at a low price!



Some of our clients are:


Bayit Katan Hotels

Kol Simchah Tablecloth Rentals

Yeshivas Tchebin dormitory

Yeshivas Belz

Poli HaItalki Restaurant

Bergman Delights


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Revach Naki – "Clean" Profit on all Accounts!

For more information, call 0573-123-143



To read a feature in Hamodia's Inyan Magazine on the Laundromat click here