In the weeks prior to Pesach, boys and girls from the various Seeach Sod schools and residential programs embraced the preparations for Chag by taking trips to matzah baking centers around Jerusalem, learning about Kriyas Yam Suf, and enjoying other festivities.
“Our annual Pesach programs are designed to reinforce the Mitzvos of Pesach,” said Rabbi Shimon Levy, CEO of Seeach Sod. “All these activities were planned and implemented by our professional staff, including speech, physical and occupational therapists, to ensure the maximum rehabilitative and enrichment during a time when schools are typically on break. As part of our motto to provide culturally and age appropriate activities to the special needs community that is no different than the experiences of their peers, we have prepared hands-on Pesach programs for hundreds of children to approach the Chag with excitement.”