The keynote speaker for the evening was Rabbanit Tova Werner who spoke Divrei Chizzuk directed towards the mothers. She greatly encouraged each mother in her mission as the caretaker of her precious children. The Rabbanit spoke how Hashem gave them these children as treasures to be taken care of with devotion and how each and every mother always does the best that she can at any given moment. She validated how hard it is and gave them feelings of empowerment.
The CEO, Rabbi Shimon Levy, shared a few words relaying a parable of how a mother is like the conductor of a train, whose warmth and energy moves the entire train forward.
The women then watched Seeach Sod's newly released video, encompassing all Seeach Sod programs in a few short action-packed minutes. The night culminated with Dorit Erlich's well-known "Sheleg Bitishrei" – an audio-visual presentation that was both powerful and inspirational for the audience.
The mothers left the evening with a renewed sense of spirit and strength to continue being the caretakers for their special children.