The ceremony was directed by the menahel, Rabbi Avraham Kaufman, who praised the precious boys for their devotion and dedication to Torah learning. He related the famous story about Rav Moshe Feinstein, who personally came to participate in a siyum celebration of a man who spent three years learning a single page of Gemara. Rav Moshe Feinstein famously said that "a person can acquire his entire [portion in the Next] world with a single daf!" Rabbi Kaufman noted that the boys of Otzar HaTorah invested tremendous energies and efforts into learning the sugya of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai over three weeks. Then he spoke about the significance of launching the Lag Ba'omer events specifically within the framework of the yeshivah, where the boys invest so much mesirus nefesh to overcome their challenges, and concluded by describing the mesirus nefesh for Torah learning displayed by Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai and his sons.
Rabbi Kaufman invited Rabbi of the Kotel and Mekomos Hakedoshim, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz, to speak, thanking him for his constant attentiveness to the needs of Seeach Sod in general, and Yeshivah Otzar HaTorah in particular.
Rabbi Rabinowitz began by expressing his appreciation for allowing him to share in the first bonfire lighting in Seeach Sod, and thanked its CEO, Rabbi Shimon Levi, and the yeshivah's menahel, Rabbi Avraham Kaufman.
Later, CEO Rabbi Shimon Levi spoke, thanking Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz for his efforts on behalf of Seeach Sod. He also thanked Seeach Sod's teachers, assistants and management for their very obvious care and attention to every detail.
As the boys sang beautiful, inspirational songs, Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz and CEO Rabbi Shimon Levy approached the ready bonfire and lit it in honor of Rabi Shimon Bar Yochai. The singing turned to enthusiastic songs in honor of Lag Ba'omer.